Almathera Ten Pack 2: CDPD 1
Almathera Ten on Ten - Disc 2: CDPD 1.iso
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Text File
347 lines
; DOSError V2.0
; Assembly Language by Robert Lang. 23/5/90.
; (C) Edgeware (Robert Lang)
; This program simply outputs a little message
; explaining the input dos error number!
; If you use ANY part of this source, contact me, and
; put my name in your own source unless you persuade me
; otherwise !
; If you reassemble this program with different messages,
; you MUST leave my name in the usage text.
; REMEMBER : This source is still 100% my own property.
; I am simply lending it to the public.
; Contact me at the address in the listing with any questions or
; problems.
; V2.0 Updates :
; Added an extra line description to make things a little more useful,
; and added a heading to the ALL option.
; Added the workbench routine, including the question for the argument.
; Added an icon !
; Label definitions
; Exec Functions
; Dos Functions
; Setting up Program
section begin,code_c
begin: move.b d0,d5 ;Save the argument pointer
move.l execbase,a6 ;This checks if it was run from
suba.l a1,a1 ;the workbench or the CLI....
jsr findtask(a6)
move.l d0,a4
tst.l $ac(a4)
bne cli ; Its from the CL, so read argument
wbench: lea $5c(a4),a0 ; Its from the Workbench,
jsr waitport(a6) ; so handle messages....
lea $5c(a4),a0 ; (Otherwise visit from guru....)
jsr getmsg(a6)
bra workbench ; and open console etc...
cli: move.b #0,wbflag
move.b d5,d0 ; Retrieve the argument pointer
subq #1,d0 ; All of this is to read the
beq ok ; arguments off the CLI line
search: cmp.b #$20,(a0)+
bne oky
dbra d0,search
bra ok
oky: sub.l #1,a0
ok: move.b d0,paramno ; And store pointers for my use !
move.l a0,paramaddr
none: move.l execbase,a6 ; This opens the dos.library
lea dosname(pc),a1
moveq #0,d0
jsr openlib(a6)
move.l d0,dosbase
beq error ; Can't open library...exit!
; Main Program
move.l dosbase,a6 ; Find the handle of the
jsr output(a6) ; output channel for text !
move.l d0,conhandle
move.b paramno,d0 ; Check that a parameter was entered
cmp.b #0,d0
beq question ; NO! Ask for one.....
move.l #useend-1,d2 ; YES! Output a linefeed
move.l #1,d3
bsr text
join: move.l paramaddr,a1 ; Check for common ? argument
cmp.b #'?',(a1) ; to find usage of CLI command
beq usage ; YES! show usage....
move.l paramaddr,a1 ; YES! Setup for finding a match
move.l #errorlist,a2 ; points to my errorlist
move.l #err103,d2 ; the first error in the list
move.l #31,d3 ; there are 31 errors in the list
move.l (a1),d0 ; read the 4 bytes from input
loop: move.l (a2),d1 ; and the 4 from the error list
cmp.l d0,d1 ; the same ?
beq found ; YES ! Display the message
add.l #4,a2 ; No, so move to next error in list
add.l #41*2,d2 ; and next error message
sub.b #1,d3 ; Is this our last error check ?
bne loop ; NO! Do some more
move.b (a1)+,d0 ; Check for all case variations of ALL
cmp.b #'A',d0 ; Check A
beq Aok
cmp.b #'a',d0 ; or a
bne unk
Aok: move.b (a1)+,d0
cmp.b #'L',d0 ; Check L
beq Lok
cmp.b #'l',d0 ; or l
bne unk
Lok: move.b (a1)+,d0
cmp.b #'L',d0 ; Check L
beq L2ok
cmp.b #'l',d0 ; or l
bne unk
L2ok: move.b (a1)+,d0 ; Check Return
cmp.b #$0a,d0
bne unk
all: move.l #fulllist,d2 ; OK! display whole error list
move.l #unknown-fulllist,d3
bsr text
bra end ; and exit....
unk: move.l #unknown,d2 ; Argument unknown
move.l #41*2,d3 ; So output message !
bsr text
bra usage ; And the usage text....
found: move.l #41*2,d3 ; Length of all messages
bsr text ; Show the message
bra end
usage: move.l #use,d2 ; Show the usage text
move.l #useend-use,d3
bsr text
end: move.b wbflag,d0 ; Was it from Workbench?
cmp.b #1,d0
beq closecon ; Yes! Close our console....
move.l #useend-1,d2 ; Output a linefeed
move.l #1,d3
bsr text
move.l execbase,a6 ; Close dos.library
move.l dosbase,a1
jsr closelib(a6)
clr.l d0 ; No probs.
error: rts ; Exit Program
move.b #1,wbflag
move.l execbase,a6 ; This opens the dos.library
lea dosname(pc),a1
moveq #0,d0
jsr openlib(a6)
move.l d0,dosbase
beq error ; Can't open library...exit!
move.l #conname,d1 ; Open Console Window
move.l #mode_oldfile,d2
bsr openfile
beq error ; Oops....error !
move.l d0,conhandle
question: ; Ask for an argument
move.l #welcome,d2
move.l #return-welcome,d3
bsr text
bsr readin ; Read in argument
move.l #useend-1,d2 ; Print Carriage Return
move.l #1,d3
bsr text
move.l #buff,paramaddr ; Point to buffer,
bra join ; and handle data....
closecon: ; This closes my con:
move.l #return,d2
move.l #use-return,d3 ; First asks to press Return....
bsr text
bsr readin ; Wait for return....
move.l conhandle,d1
move.l dosbase,a6
jsr close(a6) ; Close console....
clr.l d0
; Subroutines
text: move.l conhandle,d1 ; This routine displays text in
move.l dosbase,a6
jsr write(a6) ; the output found earlier
move.l dosbase,a6 ; This opens a file,
jsr open(a6) ; is used here to open a
tst.l d0 ; CON: screen for input/ouput.
readin: move #4,d3 ; Reads in text
move.l #buff,d2 ; 4 long, into 'buff'
move.l dosbase,a6
move.l conhandle,d1
jsr read(a6)
; Program Data
dosname: dc.b 'dos.library',0
conname: dc.b 'CON:100/5/440/195/DOSError V2.0 by Robert Lang 23/5/90',0
wbflag: dc.b 0
buff: dc.b '? ',0
dosbase: dc.l 0
conhandle: dc.l 0
welcome: dc.b $0a,'Welcome to DOSError V2.0 !'
dc.b $0a,'Please enter the DOS error number : '
return: dc.b $0a,'Press RETURN to return to WorkBench....'
use: dc.b $0a,'DOSError V2.0 by Robert Lang (c) Edgeware 23/5/90'
dc.b $0a,'~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~',$0a
dc.b ' This program gives a two-line description',$0a
dc.b ' of what a DOS error number means.',$0a
dc.b $0a,' Example Usage : DOSError 205',$0a
dc.b $0a,' (Use DOSError ALL to get a list of',$0a
dc.b ' all the DOS messages known.)',$0a
dc.b $0a,' Write to me : Robert Lang',$0a
dc.b ' (EDGEWARE)',$0a
dc.b ' P.O. Box 127',$0a
dc.b ' CARDIFF NSW 2285',$0a
dc.b ' AUSTRALIA',$0a,$0a
dc.b ' DOSError is dedicated to Suzanne Day !',$0a,$0a
paramno: dc.l 0
paramaddr: dc.l 0
errorlist: dc.b '103',$0a,'105',$0a,'120',$0a,'121',$0a,'122',$0a
dc.b '201',$0a,'202',$0a,'203',$0a,'204',$0a,'205',$0a
dc.b '206',$0a,'207',$0a,'209',$0a,'210',$0a,'211',$0a
dc.b '212',$0a,'213',$0a,'214',$0a,'215',$0a,'216',$0a
dc.b '217',$0a,'218',$0a,'219',$0a,'220',$0a,'221',$0a
dc.b '222',$0a,'223',$0a,'224',$0a,'225',$0a,'226',$0a
dc.b '232',$0a
fulllist: dc.b '----------------------------------------',$0a
dc.b ' DOSError V2.0 by Robert Lang 23/5/90 ',$0a
dc.b '----------------------------------------',$0a
err103: dc.b 'DOS Error 103 : INSUFFICIENT FREE STORE ',$0a
dc.b 'Not Enough Memory is available. ',$0a
err105: dc.b 'DOS Error 105 : TASK TABLE FULL ',$0a
dc.b 'There are already 20 processes runnning.',$0a
err120: dc.b 'DOS Error 120 : LINE TOO LONG OR INVALID',$0a
dc.b 'Too many or invalid arguments used. ',$0a
err121: dc.b 'DOS Error 121 : FILE NOT OBJECT ',$0a
dc.b 'The called file cannot be executed. ',$0a
err122: dc.b 'DOS Error 122 : INVALID RESIDENT LIBRARY',$0a
dc.b 'The resident library called was invalid.',$0a
err201: dc.b 'DOS Error 201 : NO DEFAULT DIRECTORY ',$0a
dc.b 'A default directory could not be found! ',$0a
err202: dc.b 'DOS Error 202 : OBJECT IN USE ',$0a
dc.b 'The file or directory is being used. ',$0a
err203: dc.b 'DOS Error 203 : OBJECT EXISTS ',$0a
dc.b 'The specified file already exists. ',$0a
err204: dc.b 'DOS Error 204 : DIRECTORY NOT FOUND ',$0a
dc.b 'The specified directory does not exist. ',$0a
err205: dc.b 'DOS Error 205 : OBJECT NOT FOUND ',$0a
dc.b 'The channel specified does not exist. ',$0a
err206: dc.b 'DOS Error 206 : INVALID WINDOW ',$0a
dc.b 'Incorrect parameters for the window. ',$0a
err207: dc.b 'DOS Error 207 : OBJECT TOO LARGE ',$0a
dc.b 'The specified file is too big. ',$0a
err209: dc.b 'DOS Error 209 : ACTION NOT KNOWN ',$0a
dc.b 'The device cannot do the desired action.',$0a
err210: dc.b 'DOS Error 210 : INVALID COMPONENT NAME ',$0a
dc.b 'The filename is too long or invalid. ',$0a
err211: dc.b 'DOS Error 211 : INVALID LOCK ',$0a
dc.b 'The specified lock structure is invalid.',$0a
err212: dc.b 'DOS Error 212 : OBJECT WRONG TYPE ',$0a
dc.b 'Directory and filename interchanged. ',$0a
err213: dc.b 'DOS Error 213 : DISK NOT VALIDATED ',$0a
dc.b 'The disk is not recognised by the system',$0a
err214: dc.b 'DOS Error 214 : DISK WRITE PROTECTED ',$0a
dc.b 'Writing is not possible to that device. ',$0a
err215: dc.b 'DOS Error 215 : RENAME ACROSS DEVICES ',$0a
dc.b 'Devices in rename must be same. ',$0a
err216: dc.b 'DOS Error 216 : DIRECTORY NOT EMPTY ',$0a
dc.b 'Non-Empty directories cannot be deleted.',$0a
err217: dc.b 'DOS Error 217 : TOO MANY LEVELS ',$0a
dc.b 'Too many directory names used. ',$0a
err218: dc.b 'DOS Error 218 : DEVICE NOT MOUNTED ',$0a
dc.b 'That device is not currently available. ',$0a
err219: dc.b 'DOS Error 219 : SEEK ERROR ',$0a
dc.b 'Error in the Seek() function parameters.',$0a
err220: dc.b 'DOS Error 220 : COMMENT TOO BIG ',$0a
dc.b 'The File Comment was too large. ',$0a
err221: dc.b 'DOS Error 221 : DISK FULL ',$0a
dc.b 'Not enough space on the specified disk. ',$0a
err222: dc.b 'DOS Error 222 : DELETE PROTECTED ',$0a
dc.b 'The file cannot be deleted. ',$0a
err223: dc.b 'DOS Error 223 : WRITE PROTECTED ',$0a
dc.b 'The file cannot be overwritten. ',$0a
err224: dc.b 'DOS Error 224 : READ PROTECTED ',$0a
dc.b 'The file cannot be read. ',$0a
err225: dc.b 'DOS Error 225 : NOT A DOS DISK ',$0a
dc.b 'AmigaDOS does not recognise this disk. ',$0a
err226: dc.b 'DOS Error 226 : NO DISK ',$0a
dc.b 'There is no disk in the specified drive.',$0a
err232: dc.b 'DOS Error 232 : NO MORE ENTRIES ',$0a
dc.b 'Last valid file found in the directory. ',$0a
dc.b '----------------------------------------',$0a
dc.b ' (c) Edgeware 1990 -- Australian Made ',$0a
dc.b '----------------------------------------',$0a
unknown: dc.b 'Unknown Argument ! ',$0a
dc.b 'Usage of DOSError V2.0 is as follows : ',$0a